Starbucks x Twilight Collaboration brand strategy

Creative brief

A popular brand aims to launch a social media campaign targeting a fandom from popular movies, books, or TV shows. The primary goal is to promote a new product, service, or collection that caters to the fandom community. Deliverables include a presentation deck that includes, but is not limited to the target audience, the new product or service, social media content, etc.

Idea (new product)

For this portfolio classwork, our team “Cre8tive Matters” came up with a fictional collaboration between Twilight Saga and Starbucks Coffee. Starbucks Corporation is an American multinational chain of coffeehouses and roastery reserves. With a multitude of customers under different demographics, Starbucks is known for coming up with several creative brand ideas for different seasonal celebrations, movie trends etc. so as to cater to different sectors. For this brief, we decided to narrow down our idea to create a social media brand strategy, in order to introduce and sell a limited time series of new Starbucks coffee drinks with different tastes. Each drink represents a major character from the Twilight book and movie series. What is the goal? To excite Twilight and Starbucks fans to create a connection and rekindle nostalgic memories with their favourite Twilight characters.

Pitch deck

Twilight x Starbucks by Mirabelle Morah

Download a PDF version of the pitch deck here.

Target definition (audience persona and psychographics)

Age: 18-35 year-olds in urban and suburban areas in the US
Female: 70% | Male: 20% | Other: 10%
Income: Low – Middle-income earners

They struggle with work/life balance and often seek moments of escape through nostalgia. They take coffee to keep up with the moment and energy, but like to relax with romance novels or movies.

Campaign goals

  1. Increase social media engagement on Starbucks’ platforms by 30%
  2. Convert Online engagement to Increase in Coffee sales with new, exciting & nostalgic options
  3. Convert Online engagement to Increase in twilight book sales and movie rewatches

Video content produced

Video created by Mirabelle Morah


This is a group work created during the Miami Ad School (Miami) Social Media Strategy Portfolio Bootcamp.

Role: Researcher and video creator
Team: Amanda Maxim, Mirabelle Morah, Tessa (Angel) Calandra