Lol, won’t people still steal my idea?

“If your product is good, there will be people copying it”. – Frank Carney, founder of Pizza Hut. I randomly saw the book, “How to really start your own business” by David E Gumpert when I went to the University of Edinburgh’s Business School’s library/reading hub to do some work. It called out to me […]
How to build your business from scratch: lessons learned at Techstars Startup Weekend at the University of Edinburgh
Experiment, fail, learn, repeat. Last weekend I attended Techstars Startup Weekend at the University of Edinburgh’s Business School, organised by Edinburgh Innovations. And my team won one of the three awards, for having the Most Developed Business Plan. What was our idea? It’s a smart online assistant for dyslexic students to help them read better […]
From Abuja to Edinburgh: my 1st semester experience as a Mastercard Foundation Scholar at the University of Edinburgh
This will humorously walk you through some of my experiences these past 3 months as a Scholar, from settling into Edinburgh to being blown away by heavy winds. See the end for scholarship application tips. My first few weeks in the UK were both exciting and uneasy. From the start The Mastercard Foundation team at the […]
Wetin sup for Untitled Design Conference 2023?
I took a flight all the way from Uyo to Lagos for one thing ⏤ to attend Untitled Design Conference (UDC) (12-13 May) 2023.
3 ways becoming a motion designer changed my outlook on the word “impossible”
“My heart is in the work” Andrew Carnegie In My design journey: 40+ useful resources & tools that help me daily, I explained how I went from a total noob to making motion designs. What is motion design or motion graphics? It’s about making graphic and typographic elements move around. Making animations out of these […]
25 lessons life taught me in 25 years

From how shocking life can be to the miracle of compound interest and the power of gratitude, these 25 lessons will make you think deeply about your life too.
4 life lessons you’ll learn from hanging out with Tony Joy

Tony Joy is one inspiring young woman from Nigeria and here are 4 life lessons you’ll learn from hanging out with her
True Prosperity from The Daily Vulnerable #WithChude

True prosperity, game of life and our energy are three thoughts that resonated with me after reading The Daily Vulnerable.
The 6 books that changed me

Here are 6 must read books that can change your thinking pattern too
My design journey: 40+ useful resources & tools that help me daily

When I look at my designs I’ve considerably improved. Here are 40+ useful resources & tools that help me daily as a writer, motion and graphic designer and these would be useful for you too.